Sunday, August 19, 2007

Haven't I finished? Don't I get a badge too?? podcasts et al

I often use YouTube when I hear about a band or want to see their new video- it has replaced video-ing Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage! (and falling asleep whilst eating a service station cheese burger). This is a video from The Shins - i saw them last week at the Metro: great band, pity there are so many tall people in Australia. I am sick of dodging and weaving to see bands through shoulders. Anyway this video is called Australia and it has nothing to do with Australia but it was written in Australia. And the last line goes
Give me your hand, lets jump out the window

I subscribed to a podcast for indiemusic but I do not know if they are updating them anymore. Anyway we shall see through Bloglines. I prefered Podcast alley ; the way it was set out and the drop down descriptions of the feeds. I subscribed to a RRR podcast. Its good I know where to find these things.

I think I would use podcasts for relaxation rather than as a learning tool. I still initially seek written information on a topic rather than a podcast.

I had a look at Gutenbergs ebook collection. I downloaded Beowulf by Anonymyous but it would not play. I prefer a traditional book- for portability, page colour, and I don't want to scroll with my finger all the time, maybe its just 'what I know'.

The learning 2.0 program? I think it is useful to know what technologies are out 'there' and a lot of them seem to be toys. The online word processing I found useful and I think I could get into podcasts for radio shows that I miss. However I think I spend enough time with technology as it is. Just because information is easily accessiable does not mean I will want /need it.

It does surpise me how many people have blogs or want to share with the world their photos. Good for them but I do not find that so interesting. Wikipeadia is useful, I just know to tread carefully. I think these technologies are ok but they are not addressing world hunger or cancer. I do not jump out of bed because Flickr exists. And I think they should be treated as such, priority wise. It is helpful to have a knowledge of what people are using- especially in our field- but it is not difficult to learn - it just requires time.

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Some very good comments....keep up the good work